Stirred Reactor
Apps.StirredReactor History
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Van de Vusse Reactor
The Van de Vusse reaction kinetics are employed in many benchmarking problems. This model is a simple stirred tank reactor model with reactions A->B->C and A->2D. Note that in the original reference, the reactor volume was listed as 0.01 L. This model has been modified for the original intent of 10 L reactor volume.
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Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor with energy
balance and reactions A->B->C and A->2D
Model cstr
Parameters F = 14.19 ! Feed rate (l/hr) Qk = -1579.5 ! Jacket cooling rate (kJ/hr) Ca0 = 5.1 ! Inlet feed concentration (mol/m^3) T0 = 104.9 ! Inlet feed temperature (degC) k10 = 1.287e12 ! A->B Pre-exponential factor (1/hr) k20 = 1.287e12 ! B->C Pre-exponential factor (1/hr) k30 = 9.043e9 ! A->2D Pre-exponential factor (1/hr) E1 = 9758.3 ! A->B Activation Energy (K) E2 = 9758.3 ! B->C Activation Energy (K) E3 = 8560 ! A->2D Activation Energy (K) dHrAB = 4.2 ! A->B Heat of Reaction (kJ/mol A) dHrBC = -11 ! B->C Activation Energy (kJ/mol B) dHrAD = -41.85 ! A->2D Activation Energy (kJ/mol A) rho = 0.9342 ! density (kg/l) Cp = 3.01 ! Heat capacity of reactants (kJ/kg-K) kw = 4032 ! Heat transfer coefficient (kJ/h-K-m^2) AR = .215 ! Area of jacket cooling (m^2) VR = 10.0 ! Reactor volume (l) mK = 5 ! Mass of cooling (kg) CpK = 2 ! Heat capacity of cooling (kJ/kg-K) End Parameters Variables ! Differential States Ca = 2.2291 ! Concentration of A in CSTR (mol/l) Cb = 1.0417 ! Concentration of B in CSTR (mol/l) Cc = 0.91397 ! Concentration of C in CSTR (mol/l) Cd = 0.91520 ! Concentration of D in CSTR (mol/l) T = 79.591 ! Temperature in CSTR (degC) Tk = 77.69 ! Cooling jacket temperature (degC) End Variables Intermediates k1 = k10*exp(-E1/(T+273.15)) k2 = k20*exp(-E2/(T+273.15)) k3 = k30*exp(-E3/(T+273.15)) End Intermediates Equations ! note: the $ denotes time differential ! (e.g. $x is dx/dt) ! species balances VR * $Ca = -k1*VR*Ca - k3*VR*Ca^2 + F*(Ca0-Ca) VR * $Cb = k1*VR*Ca - k2*VR*Cb - F*Cb VR * $Cc = k2*VR*Cb - F*Cc VR * $Cd = k3*VR*Ca^2 - F*Cd ! energy balance on reactor rho*Cp*VR*$T = F*rho*Cp*(T0 - T) & - VR*(k1*Ca*dHrAB + k2*Cb*dHrBC + k3*Ca^2*dHrAD) & + kw*AR*(Tk - T) ! energy balance on cooling mK * CpK * $Tk = Qk + kw*AR*(T - Tk) End Equations
End Model
The Van de Veer reaction kinetics are employed in many benchmarking problems. This model is a simple stirred tank reactor model with reactions A->B->C and A->2D. Note that in the original reference, the reactor volume was listed as 0.01 L. This model has been modified for the original intent of 10 L reactor volume.
The Van de Vusse reaction kinetics are employed in many benchmarking problems. This model is a simple stirred tank reactor model with reactions A->B->C and A->2D. Note that in the original reference, the reactor volume was listed as 0.01 L. This model has been modified for the original intent of 10 L reactor volume.
Van de Veer Reactor
The Van de Veer reaction kinetics are employed in many benchmarking problems. This model is a simple stirred tank reactor model with reactions A->B->C and A->2D. Note that in the original reference, the reactor volume was listed as 0.01 L. This model has been modified for the original intent of 10 L reactor volume.
The Van de Veer reaction kinetics are employed in many benchmarking problems. This model is a simple stirred tank reactor model with reactions A->B->C and A->2D. Note that in the original reference, the reactor volume was listed as 0.01 L. This model has been modified for the original intent of 10 L reactor volume.
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Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor with energy
balance and reactions A->B->C and A->2D
Model cstr
Parameters F = 14.19 ! Feed rate (l/hr) Qk = -1579.5 ! Jacket cooling rate (kJ/hr) Ca0 = 5.1 ! Inlet feed concentration (mol/m^3) T0 = 104.9 ! Inlet feed temperature (degC) k10 = 1.287e12 ! A->B Pre-exponential factor (1/hr) k20 = 1.287e12 ! B->C Pre-exponential factor (1/hr) k30 = 9.043e9 ! A->2D Pre-exponential factor (1/hr) E1 = 9758.3 ! A->B Activation Energy (K) E2 = 9758.3 ! B->C Activation Energy (K) E3 = 8560 ! A->2D Activation Energy (K) dHrAB = 4.2 ! A->B Heat of Reaction (kJ/mol A) dHrBC = -11 ! B->C Activation Energy (kJ/mol B) dHrAD = -41.85 ! A->2D Activation Energy (kJ/mol A) rho = 0.9342 ! density (kg/l) Cp = 3.01 ! Heat capacity of reactants (kJ/kg-K) kw = 4032 ! Heat transfer coefficient (kJ/h-K-m^2) AR = .215 ! Area of jacket cooling (m^2) VR = 10.0 ! Reactor volume (l) mK = 5 ! Mass of cooling (kg) CpK = 2 ! Heat capacity of cooling (kJ/kg-K) End Parameters Variables ! Differential States Ca = 2.2291 ! Concentration of A in CSTR (mol/l) Cb = 1.0417 ! Concentration of B in CSTR (mol/l) Cc = 0.91397 ! Concentration of C in CSTR (mol/l) Cd = 0.91520 ! Concentration of D in CSTR (mol/l) T = 79.591 ! Temperature in CSTR (degC) Tk = 77.69 ! Cooling jacket temperature (degC) End Variables Intermediates k1 = k10*exp(-E1/(T+273.15)) k2 = k20*exp(-E2/(T+273.15)) k3 = k30*exp(-E3/(T+273.15)) End Intermediates Equations ! note: the $ denotes time differential ! (e.g. $x is dx/dt) ! species balances VR * $Ca = -k1*VR*Ca - k3*VR*Ca^2 + F*(Ca0-Ca) VR * $Cb = k1*VR*Ca - k2*VR*Cb - F*Cb VR * $Cc = k2*VR*Cb - F*Cc VR * $Cd = k3*VR*Ca^2 - F*Cd ! energy balance on reactor rho*Cp*VR*$T = F*rho*Cp*(T0 - T) & - VR*(k1*Ca*dHrAB + k2*Cb*dHrBC + k3*Ca^2*dHrAD) & + kw*AR*(Tk - T) ! energy balance on cooling mK * CpK * $Tk = Qk + kw*AR*(T - Tk) End Equations
End Model </pre></font> (:htmlend:)
The Van de Veer reaction kinetics are employed in many benchmarking problems. This model is a simple stirred tank reactor model with reactions A->B->C and A->2D. Note that in the original reference, the reactor volume was listed as 0.01 L. This model has been modified for the original intent of 10 L reactor volume.
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APMonitor Modeling Language
CSTR model from
Michael A. Henson and Dale E. Seborg. Nonlinear
Process Control. Prentice Hall PTR, Upper
Saddle River, New Jersey, 1997.
Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor with energy
balance and reaction A->B.
The temperature of the cooling
jacket is the control.
Model cstr
Parameters ! Manipulated Variables Tc = 270 ! Temperature of cooling jacket (K) ! Parameters q = 100 ! Volumetric Flowrate (m^3/sec) V = 100 ! Volume of CSTR (m^3) rho = 1000 ! Density of A-B Mixture (kg/m^3) Cp = .239 ! Heat capacity of A-B Mixture (J/kg-K) mdelH = 5e4 ! Heat of reaction for A->B (J/mol) ! E - Activation energy in the ! Arrhenius Equation (J/mol) ! R - Universal Gas Constant ! = 8.31451 J/mol-K ! EoverR = E/R EoverR = 8750 k0 = 7.2e10 ! Pre-exponential factor (1/sec) ! U - Overall Heat Transfer ! Coefficient (W/m^2-K) ! A - Area - this value is specific ! for the U calculation (m^2) ! UA = U * A UA = 5e4 Caf = 1 ! Feed Concentration (mol/m^3) Tf = 350 ! Feed Temperature (K) End Parameters Variables ! Differential States Ca = 0.9 ! Concentration of A in CSTR (mol/m^3) T = 305 ! Temperature in CSTR (K) End Variables Equations ! note: the $ denotes time differential ! (e.g. $x is dx/dt) ! mole balance for species A V * $Ca = q*(Caf-Ca) - k0*V*exp(-EoverR/T)*Ca ! energy balance rho*Cp*V * $T = q*rho*Cp*(Tf - T) + V*mdelH*k0*exp(-EoverR/T)*Ca + UA*(Tc-T) End Equations
End Model
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Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor
The continuously stirred tank reactor is a popular model for benchmarking. It is a simple A to B reaction and has exothermic reaction instability with a prolonged cooling jacket temperature above 305 K.