WSP - APMonitor Option
Main.OptionWsp History
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Default Value: 1.0
Default Value: 20.0
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Description: Objective function weight on set point for squared error model
Description: Objective function weight on set point for squared error model
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(:title WSP - APMonitor Option:) (:keywords WSP, Optimization, Estimation, Option, Configure, Default, Description:) (:description Objective function weight on set point for squared error model:)

Type: Floating Point, Input Default Value: 1.0 Description: Objective function weight on set point for squared error model
A weighting factor to penalize a squared error from the setpoint trajectory with final target SP. The weighting factor is positive to drive the response to the SP trajectory and negative to drive it away from the SP. A negative WSP is highly unlikely and the value should generally be positive.