MV_STEP_HOR - APMonitor Option

Main.OptionMvStepHor History

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June 08, 2017, at 10:35 PM by -
Changed line 5 from:
June 01, 2017, at 06:29 AM by -
Changed lines 3-4 from:

(:description Step length for manipulated variables: 0 uses APM.MV_STEP_HOR as default:)


(:description Step length for manipulated variables:)

Changed lines 9-10 from:
 Description: Step length for manipulated variables: 0 uses APM.MV_STEP_HOR as default
 Description: Step length for manipulated variables
              0 uses APM.MV_STEP_HOR as default
June 01, 2017, at 06:29 AM by -
Added lines 1-11:

(:title MV_STEP_HOR - APMonitor Option:) (:keywords MV_STEP_HOR, Optimization, Estimation, Option, Configure, Default, Description:) (:description Step length for manipulated variables: 0 uses APM.MV_STEP_HOR as default:)

 Type: Integer, Input
 Default Value: 0
 Description: Step length for manipulated variables: 0 uses APM.MV_STEP_HOR as default

The manipulated variable step horizon (MV_STEP_HOR) is by default to allow the MV to be adjusted every time set of the collocation. There are cases where the MV should not move every time step but should be constrained to move only a certain multiple of the collocation time step. With MV_STEP_HOR = 2, the manipulated variable is allowed to move on the first step and every other step thereafter. MV_STEP_HOR = 5, the manipulated variable is allowed to move on the first step and every 5th step thereafter. There is also a parameter APM.MV_STEP_HOR that is used as a global configuration for all MVs when the individual MV option is set to 0.