APM.SOLVETIME - APMonitor Option

Main.OptionApmSolvetime History

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June 09, 2017, at 12:49 AM by -
Changed lines 5-6 from:
%width=50px%Attach:apm.png [[Main/DbsGlobal|Global Options]] | %width=30px%Attach:fv.png %width=30px%Attach:mv.png %width=30px%Attach:sv.png %width=30px%Attach:cv.png[[Main/DbsVariable|Local Options]]
Added lines 12-13:

See also [[Main/OptionApmMaxTime|MAX_TIME]]
June 01, 2017, at 07:53 PM by -
Added lines 1-11:
(:title APM.SOLVETIME - APMonitor Option:)
(:keywords APM.SOLVETIME, Optimization, Estimation, Option, Configure, Default, Description:)
(:description Solution time (seconds):)


 Type: Floating Point, Output
 Default Value: 1.0
 Description: Solution time (seconds)

SOLVETIME is the amount of time in seconds dedicated to solving the problem with the solver. This is less than the overall time required for the entire application because of communication overhead, processing of inputs, and writing the solution files. The overall time can be reduced by setting APM.WEB=0 to avoid writing web-interface files when they are not needed.