APM.PRED_HOR - APMonitor Option

Main.OptionApmPredHor History

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June 09, 2017, at 12:29 AM by -
Changed lines 5-6 from:
%width=50px%Attach:apm.png [[Main/DbsGlobal|Global Options]] | %width=30px%Attach:fv.png %width=30px%Attach:mv.png %width=30px%Attach:sv.png %width=30px%Attach:cv.png[[Main/DbsVariable|Local Options]]
Added lines 13-14:

See also [[Main/OptionApmCtrlHor|CTRL_HOR]], [[Main/OptionApmCtrlTime|CTRL_TIME]], [[Main/OptionApmCtrlUnits|CTRL_UNITS]], [[Main/OptionApmHistUnits|HIST_UNITS]], [[Main/OptionApmPredTime|PRED_TIME]]
June 01, 2017, at 07:45 PM by -
Changed lines 9-10 from:
 Description: Prediction horizon: Total horizon, including control horizon
 Description: Prediction horizon
             Total horizon, including control horizon
June 01, 2017, at 07:44 PM by -
Added lines 1-11:
(:title APM.PRED_HOR - APMonitor Option:)
(:keywords APM.PRED_HOR, Optimization, Estimation, Option, Configure, Default, Description:)
(:description Prediction horizon: Total horizon, including control horizon:)


 Type: Integer, Input or Output (with CSV read)
 Default Value: 1.0
 Description: Prediction horizon: Total horizon, including control horizon

PRED_HOR is the prediction horizon that includes the control horizon and any additional points to track towards steady state. The PRED_HOR must be greater than or equal to CTRL_HOR (control horizon). As opposed to CTRL_HOR, no manipulated variable movement is allowed in the prediction horizon. The individual size of time steps of the prediction horizon beyond the control horizon are set with PRED_TIME. The PRED_TIME is generally larger than the CTRL_TIME to give a section of the overall horizon that predicts steady state arrival to the set point. When CSV_READ is on and the horizon time points are specified from the data file, the CTRL_HOR and PRED_HOR are set equal to the number of time steps present in the data file.