import numpy as np from gekko import GEKKO import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Import Data # write csv data file t_s = np.linspace(0,78,79) # case data cases_s = np.array([180,180,271,423,465,523,649,624,556,420,\ 423,488,441,268,260,163,83,60,41,48,65,82,\ 145,122,194,237,318,450,671,1387,1617,2058,\ 3099,3340,2965,1873,1641,1122,884,591,427,282,\ 174,127,84,97,68,88,79,58,85,75,121,174,209,458,\ 742,929,1027,1411,1885,2110,1764,2001,2154,1843,\ 1427,970,726,416,218,160,160,188,224,298,436,482,468]) # Initialize gekko model m = GEKKO() # Number of collocation nodes nodes = 4 # Number of phases (years in this case) n = 3 #Biweek periods per year bi = 26 # Time horizon (for all 3 phases) m.time = np.linspace(0,1,bi+1) # Parameters that will repeat each year N = m.Param(3.2e6) mu = m.Param(7.8e-4) rep_frac = m.Param(0.45) Vr = m.Param(0) beta = m.MV(2,lb = 0.1) beta.STATUS = 1 gamma = m.FV(value=0.07) gamma.STATUS = 1 gamma.LOWER = 0.05 gamma.UPPER = 0.5 # Data used to control objective function casesobj1 = m.Param(cases_s[0:(bi+1)]) casesobj2 = m.Param(cases_s[bi:(2*bi+1)]) casesobj3 = m.Param(cases_s[2*bi:(3*bi+1)]) # Variables that vary between years, one version for each year cases = [m.CV(value = cases_s[(i*bi):(i+1)*(bi+1)-i],lb=0) for i in range(n)] for i in cases: i.FSTATUS = 1 i.WMODEL = 0 i.MEAS_GAP = 100 S = [m.Var(0.06*N,lb = 0,ub = N) for i in range(n)] I = [m.Var(0.001*N, lb = 0,ub = N) for i in range(n)] V = [m.Var(2e5) for i in range(n)] # Equations (created for each year) for i in range(n): R = m.Intermediate(beta*S[i]*I[i]/N) m.Equation(S[i].dt() == -R + mu*N - Vr) m.Equation(I[i].dt() == R - gamma*I[i]) m.Equation(cases[i] == rep_frac*R) m.Equation(V[i].dt() == -Vr) # Connect years together at endpoints for i in range(n-1): m.Connection(cases[i+1],cases[i],1,bi,1,nodes)#,1,nodes) m.Connection(cases[i+1],'CALCULATED',pos1=1,node1=1) m.Connection(S[i+1],S[i],1,bi,1,nodes) m.Connection(S[i+1],'CALCULATED',pos1=1,node1=1) m.Connection(I[i+1],I[i],1,bi,1,nodes) m.Connection(I[i+1],'CALCULATED',pos1=1, node1=1) # Solver options m.options.IMODE = 5 m.options.NODES = nodes m.EV_TYPE = 1 m.options.SOLVER = 1 # Solve m.Obj(2*(casesobj1-cases[0])**2+(casesobj3-cases[2])**2) m.solve() # Calculate the start time of each phase ts = np.linspace(1,n,n) # Plot plt.figure() plt.subplot(4,1,1) tm = np.empty(len(m.time)) for i in range(n): tm = m.time + ts[i] plt.plot(tm,cases[i].value,label='Cases Year %s'%(i+1)) plt.plot(tm,cases_s[(i*bi):(i+1)*(bi+1)-i],'.') plt.legend() plt.ylabel('Cases') plt.subplot(4,1,2) for i in range(n): tm = m.time + ts[i] plt.plot(tm,beta.value,label='Beta Year %s'%(i+1)) plt.legend() plt.ylabel('Contact Rate') plt.subplot(4,1,3) for i in range(n): tm = m.time + ts[i] plt.plot(tm,I[i].value,label='I Year %s'%(i+1)) plt.legend() plt.ylabel('Infectives') plt.subplot(4,1,4) for i in range(n): tm = m.time + ts[i] plt.plot(tm,S[i].value,label='S Year %s'%(i+1)) plt.legend() plt.ylabel('Susceptibles') plt.xlabel('Time (yr)')