import numpy as np from gekko import GEKKO A = np.array([[-.003, 0.039, 0, -0.322], [-0.065, -0.319, 7.74, 0], [0.020, -0.101, -0.429, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0]]) B = np.array([[0.01, 1, 2], [-0.18, -0.04, 2], [-1.16, 0.598, 2], [0, 0, 2]] ) C = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 7.74]]) #%% Build GEKKO State Space model m = GEKKO() x,y,u = m.state_space(A,B,C,D=None) # customize names # MVs mv0 = u[0] mv1 = u[1] # Feedforward ff0 = u[2] # CVs cv0 = y[0] cv1 = y[1] m.time = [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4] m.options.imode = 6 m.options.nodes = 3 u[0].lower = -5 u[0].upper = 5 u[0].dcost = 1 u[0].status = 1 u[1].lower = -5 u[1].upper = 5 u[1].dcost = 1 u[1].status = 1 ## CV tuning # tau = first order time constant for trajectories y[0].tau = 5 y[1].tau = 8 # tr_init = 0 (dead-band) # = 1 (first order trajectory) # = 2 (first order traj, re-center with each cycle) y[0].tr_init = 0 y[1].tr_init = 0 # targets (dead-band needs upper and lower values) # SPHI = upper set point # SPLO = lower set point y[0].sphi= -8.5 y[0].splo= -9.5 y[1].sphi= 5.4 y[1].splo= 4.6 y[0].status = 1 y[1].status = 1 # feedforward u[2].status = 0 u[2].value = np.zeros(np.size(m.time)) u[2].value[3:] = 2.5 m.solve() # (GUI=True) # also create a Python plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.plot(m.time,mv0.value,'r-',label=r'$u_0$ as MV') plt.plot(m.time,mv1.value,'b--',label=r'$u_1$ as MV') plt.plot(m.time,ff0.value,'g:',label=r'$u_2$ as feedforward') plt.legend() plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.plot(m.time,cv0.value,'r-',label=r'$y_0$') plt.plot(m.time,cv1.value,'b--',label=r'$y_1$') plt.legend()