Sunco Gasoline Blending Optimization

Apps.GasBlending History

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April 04, 2011, at 05:47 PM by -
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* %list list-page% [[ | Solve Sunco Gas Blending Optimization]]
* %list list-page% [[Attach:sunco.apm | Gas Blending]]
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* %list list-page% [[Attach:sunco.apm | Gas Blending]]
* %list list-page% [[ | Solve Sunco Gas Blending Optimization]]
April 04, 2011, at 05:46 PM by -
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* %list list-page% [[Attach:sunco.apm | Gas Blending]]
* %list list-page% [[ | Solve Sunco Gas Blending Optimization]]
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* %list list-page% [[Attach:sunco.apm | Gas Blending]]

April 04, 2011, at 05:44 PM by -
Added lines 1-4:
(:title Sunco Gasoline Blending Optimization:)
(:keywords nonlinear, APMonitor, algebraic modeling language, optimization:)
(:description Sunco oil has three different processes that can be used to manufacture various types of gasoline. Each process involves blending oils in the company's catalytic cracker.:)

March 06, 2010, at 09:42 AM by -
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April 23, 2009, at 04:44 PM by -
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December 02, 2008, at 12:18 AM by -
December 02, 2008, at 12:12 AM by -
December 02, 2008, at 12:11 AM by -
December 01, 2008, at 09:07 PM by -
Added lines 5-25:
!!! Problem

Sunco oil has three different processes that can be used to manufacture various types of gasoline. Each process involves blending oils in the company's catalytic cracker.

!!! Process 1
Running process 1 for an hour costs $5 and requires 2 barrels of crude oil 1 and 3 barrels of crude oil 2. The output from running process 1 for an hour is 2 barrels of gas 1 and 1 barrel of gas 2.

!!! Process 2
Running process 2 for an hour costs $4 and requires 1 barrel of crude 1 and 3 barrels of crude 2. The output from process 2 for an hour is 3 barrels of gas 2.

!!! Process 3
Running process 3 for an hour costs $1 and requires 2 barrels of crude 2 and 3 barrels of gas 2. The output from running process 3 for an hour is 2 barrels of gas 3.

Each week, 200 barrels of crude 1, at $2/ barrel, and 300 barrels of crude 2 at $3/barrel, may be purchased. All gas produced can be sold at the following per-barrel prices: gas 1, $9; gas 2, $10; gas 3, $24. Formulate an LP whose solution will maximize revenues less costs. Assume that only 100 hours of time on the catalytic cracker are available each week.

* Let x[i] = no. of hours process i is run per week (where i =1,2,3)
* Let o[i] = no. of barrels of oil i that is purchased per week (i =1,2)
* Let g[i] = no. of barrels of gas i sold per week (i=1,2,3)


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!!! Problem

Sunco oil has three different processes that can be used to manufacture various types of gasoline. Each process involves blending oils in the company's catalytic cracker.

!!! Process 1
Running process 1 for an hour costs $5 and requires 2 barrels of crude oil 1 and 3 barrels of crude oil 2. The output from running process 1 for an hour is 2 barrels of gas 1 and 1 barrel of gas 2.

!!! Process 2
Running process 2 for an hour costs $4 and requires 1 barrel of crude 1 and 3 barrels of crude 2. The output from process 2 for an hour is 3 barrels of gas 2.

!!! Process 3
Running process 3 for an hour costs $1 and requires 2 barrels of crude 2 and 3 barrels of gas 2. The output from running process 3 for an hour is 2 barrels of gas 3.

Each week, 200 barrels of crude 1, at $2/ barrel, and 300 barrels of crude 2 at $3/barrel, may be purchased. All gas produced can be sold at the following per-barrel prices: gas 1, $9; gas 2, $10; gas 3, $24. Formulate an LP whose solution will maximize revenues less costs. Assume that only 100 hours of time on the catalytic cracker are available each week.

* Let x[i] = no. of hours process i is run per week (where i =1,2,3)
* Let o[i] = no. of barrels of oil i that is purchased per week (i =1,2)
* Let g[i] = no. of barrels of gas i sold per week (i=1,2,3)
December 01, 2008, at 09:06 PM by -
Added lines 8-49:


Model sunco
    x[1:3] = 30,  >=0
    o[1]  = 100, >=0, <=200
    o[2]  = 100, >=0, <=300
    g[1:3] = 100, >=0
  End Variables

    ! minimize (-profit) = maximize (profit)
    obj = -profit

    ! profit per week = revenue - costs
    profit = 9*g[1]+10*g[2]+24*g[3]-5*x[1]-4*x[2]-x[3]-2*o[1]-3*o[2]

    ! consumption of crude 1
    2*x[1] + x[2] = o[1]

    ! consumption of crude 2
    3*x[1] + 3*x[2] + 2*x[3] = o[2]

    ! generation of gas 1
    2*x[1] = g[1]

    ! generation (and consumption) of gas 2
    x[1] + 3*x[2] - 3*x[3] = g[2]

    ! generation of gas 3
    2*x[3] = g[3]

    ! cat cracker available 100 hours per week
    x[1] + x[2] + x[3] <= 100
  End Equations
End Model

December 01, 2008, at 09:04 PM by -
Changed lines 26-28 from:
Let x[i] = no. of hours process i is run per week (where i =1,2,3)
Let o[i] = no. of barrels of oil i that is purchased per week (i =1,2)
Let g[i] = no. of barrels of gas i sold per week (i=1,2,3)
* Let x[i] = no. of hours process i is run per week (where i =1,2,3)
* Let o[i] = no. of barrels of oil i that is purchased per week (i =1,2)
* Let g[i] = no. of barrels of gas i sold per week (i=1,2,3)
December 01, 2008, at 09:00 PM by -
Changed line 7 from:
* %list list-page% [[Attach:sunoco.apm | Gas Blending]]
* %list list-page% [[Attach:sunco.apm | Gas Blending]]
December 01, 2008, at 08:58 PM by -
Added lines 2-11:


!!! Model

* %list list-page% [[Attach:sunoco.apm | Gas Blending]]


!!! Problem
December 01, 2008, at 08:55 PM by -
Added lines 1-28:
!! Gasoline Blending

Sunco oil has three different processes that can be used to manufacture various types of gasoline. Each process involves blending oils in the company's catalytic cracker.

!!! Process 1
Running process 1 for an hour costs $5 and requires 2 barrels of crude oil 1 and 3 barrels of crude oil 2. The output from running process 1 for an hour is 2 barrels of gas 1 and 1 barrel of gas 2.

!!! Process 2
Running process 2 for an hour costs $4 and requires 1 barrel of crude 1 and 3 barrels of crude 2. The output from process 2 for an hour is 3 barrels of gas 2.

!!! Process 3
Running process 3 for an hour costs $1 and requires 2 barrels of crude 2 and 3 barrels of gas 2. The output from running process 3 for an hour is 2 barrels of gas 3.

Each week, 200 barrels of crude 1, at $2/ barrel, and 300 barrels of crude 2 at $3/barrel, may be purchased. All gas produced can be sold at the following per-barrel prices: gas 1, $9; gas 2, $10; gas 3, $24. Formulate an LP whose solution will maximize revenues less costs. Assume that only 100 hours of time on the catalytic cracker are available each week.

Let x[i] = no. of hours process i is run per week (where i =1,2,3)
Let o[i] = no. of barrels of oil i that is purchased per week (i =1,2)
Let g[i] = no. of barrels of gas i sold per week (i=1,2,3)


!!! Solution
Run process 2 for 100 hours/week = $1500/week

If gas 1 price rises above $11.5/barrel, the optimal solution is to run process 1.

If gas 3 price rises above $26/barrel, the optimal solution is to run processes
2 and 3 for equal periods of time (50 hours).